• Learning with joy and excitement

    Leadership Simulator:
    Theory & practice in a playful way

    Theories and models are important and help to understand the complex topic of leadership. But it is only in application that the abstract content comes to life. Participants experience in practice the effects and consequences of their decisions on the company's results and the motivation of their employees.

  • Practice leadership theories

    Leadership is not only about learning, is about experience

    There is a lot of theory about leadership, but a leader has new experiences every day and in every situation. This is where it is decided whether the manager can make the right decisions for the situation. The more experience and practice, the more successful the results will be.

  • Challenging situations

    Leadership requires complex decisions

    As a manager, I have to make important and responsible decisions every day that have a significant impact on the company and its employees. Today's complex environment requires making the right decisions in a short time. These are exactly the situations that participants experience in our simulations.


Theory classes were yesterday - Real Life Learning is today

More than 25 years of seminar experience in a wide variety of leadership levels and companies have contributed to our search for a way to bring the theoretical models and practices into a real work environment. With our simulator, participants experience the complexity of everyday leadership and can gain their own experience in personal interaction with their colleagues, practicing and perfecting the techniques.

Your benefits as a corporate

Make your learning interventions more effective

Offer your participants more fun and excitement while learning. With our new approach, your managers learn important theoretical basics in a playful way and apply them immediately. They get interactive feedback and thus experience the complexity of leadership in real everyday company life.

Your benefits as a consultancy or training organisation

Increase the learning transfer for your customers

With the Leadership Simulator you generate a completely new learning approach in your workshops. Offer a significantly higher learning transfer to your customers’ everyday leadership with this new approach.

Innovative And Creative simulator

We innovate new training methodologies

What is SimuPro Simulator?

Bring the daily work routine directly into the learning world of the participants.

Bring the daily work routine directly into the learning world of the participants.
Through the simulator, participants experience themselves in the role of a manager, making decisions, planning the daily work routine for themselves and their team, and taking care of the motivation and further development of employees, trying to achieve given economic goals as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Take on the role of a responsible leader

You will lead your team in a virtual company, trying to achieve the given goals, with a special focus on the motivation and development of each employee.You will pay attention to the workload, the development and also the satisfaction of your employees.

Special Events reflect the real everyday life of a manager

Special Events reflect the real everyday life of a manager
In addition to the usual routine tasks as a manager, the participants in the Special Events repeatedly experience surprising new situations from real everyday management and have to make quick decisions alone or in a team in order to achieve the best possible results and solutions.

The level of difficulty can be adapted to the target group

Depending on the level of experience and knowledge of the target group, the level of complexity of the simulation can be customised from the beginning and also during the Learning Journey. From simple project management, to effective human resource planning, to personal development, as well as motivation, the diverse leadership tasks are very easily expandable.

Effective work and personnel planning are essential

As a manager, you can ensure better goal achievement as well as higher job satisfaction for your employees through the correct and forward-looking planning of work tasks, sensible vacation planning and appropriate training.

Recognising and taking into account economic contexts

In addition to their leadership tasks, participants learn to recognize economic contexts and the consequences of their actions. In this way, they become familiar with the economic dynamics in an agile environment and know which levers they can use to influence specific results.


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